Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

#ERPT04C Review Odoo Database

Selamat Siang....sugeng enjing....

Selamat tahun baru 1437 hijri :D

Kali ini saya akan share mengenai open source Odoo 8 fungsi modul accounting, sebelumnya saya sudah share mengenai apa itu Odoo pada artikel #ERPT04A

Mari kita mulai.... :D

Pada modul Odoo akuntan PT.BZI terdapat menu :

Setup Account

Menu ini untuk membuat akun Owner modul, kelengkapan data yang perlu dilengkapi seperti nama pemilik, alamat, nama bank, serta keterangan lain terkait informasi pemilik. Setup awal ini penting karena sebagai akun pemilik utama.

Chart of Accounts Templates

Definisi Chart Of Account (Daftar Rekening / Perkiraan / Akun) adalah daftar yang tersusun dalam struktur tertentu yang terdiri dari unsure-unsur rangkaian kode dan nama akun secara sistematis.

Tax Templates

Modul ini akan memungkinkan untuk mengkonfigurasi jual beli pajak atas kategori produk. Ketika Anda mengatur kategori produk dari produk, pajak dikonfigurasi pada kategori produk akan disalin ke produk. Ia juga menambahkan kendala pada produk yang memeriksa bahwa pajak dikonfigurasi pada produk yang sama dengan pajak dikonfigurasi pada itu terkait kategori produk.

Demikian sharing kali ini dari saya, selamat membaca artikel yang lain.

Terima kasih telah berkunjung :D

#‎ERPT04B Odoo International Forum : Accounting

Good afternoon universe....sugeng enjing....

Happy New Year 1437 hijri :)

This time I will share to you about Odoo Int. Forum

Firstly this is just prologue about the forum :

What kinds of questions can You ask here?

This community is for professional and enthusiast users, partners and programmers. You can ask questions about:

  • how to install Odoo on a specific infrastructure,
  • how to configure or customize Odoo to specific business needs,
  • what's the best way to use Odoo for a specific business need,
  • how to develop modules for your own need,
  • specific questions about Odoo service offers, etc.
Before you ask - please make sure to search for a similar question. You can search questions by their title or tags. It’s also OK to answer your own question.

Please avoid asking questions that are too subjective and argumentative or not relevant to this community. This Q&A is not the place to rant. You can join the community mailing lists for subjective discussions.

Why can other people edit my questions/answers?

The goal of this site is create a relevant knowledge base that would answer questions related to Odoo.

Therefore questions and answers can be edited like wiki pages by experienced users of this site in order to improve the overall quality of the knowledge base content. Such privileges are granted based on user karma level: you will be able to do the same once your karma gets high enough.

If this approach is not for you, please respect the community and use Google+ communities instead.

As I take in charge as a accounting in PT. BZI (Bank Zamrud Indonesia),  I will share  to you about accounting topic from this forum....here are 3 top topics about it :


This topic discusses how to link accounting field when we create stock items and consumable items at the time of creation of product category field.

Best answer :

If we selected stock ,then product category account field which account I have choose (maintain inventory) and same time if we selected consumable then which account field I have to fill.

This one discusses about setup multi-companies accounting error, problem accoure when attempt to Validate an invoice and setup a custom period for the second company

Error display :

Field(s) `company_id` failed against a constraint: Account and Period must belong to the same company.

Field(s) `date_stop` failed against a constraint: Error!

The period is invalid. Either some periods are overlapping or the period's dates are not matching the scope of the fiscal year.

Best answer :

Apparently some fields of your invoice refer to accounts of the other company while they should not. To troubleshoot,verify the following:

1. Is the company related to the Receivable account of the invoice the same as the company visible under the "Other info" tab? If not then that's your issue.

2. Else, the journal selected on the customer invoice can be linked to a debit and credit account. Verify that the related company of each of these accounts is the same as the company of the invoice under the "Other info" tab.

Finally, you cannot share periods between companies.

And the last,..this topic discusses how to get the Fleet expenses (i.e service costs, fuel etc) to flow through to the accounting module. We need to compare vehicle costs to vehicle income.

Best answer :

Answer 2:

Fleet Management is not integrated with account management. :(

  1. Additional development to your needs.
  2. Track vehicle costs two times - with Fleet Management for detailed track and with account management (supplier invoices) with analytic accounts for compare vehicle costs and income (with analytic accounts).
Answer 1:

There are several ways how to track vehicle costs and income.
  1. You can track vehicle costs with Fleet Management (if you need to know detailed vehicle costs) and vehicle income track with analytic accounts (one analytic account for each vehicle). Then you can compare Fleet Management cost report with analytic account income.
  2. If you dont need to know detailed vehicle costs (services, fuel etc., only sum), then you can use only analytic accounts (of course one account for each vehicle).

Okey then....I think that’s all...please fell free to read other articles :)

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